local plan review

The first phase of the Local Plan Review - the "Call for Sites" - has now taken place, where developers, landowners and others were invited to put forward suggested sites which might be suitable for development in the district.

We are now reviewing all the comments and site suggestions we received as part of this exercise. Every site is being assessed to determine whether they are suitable, available and achievable for development or designation within the updated Local Plan.

Share your views with us 

We are now launching our next round of engagement where you can share any ideas or suggestions of what you would like to be considered in the plan looking forward to 2041. 

This could include housing, employment, green spaces, transportation, infrastructure, community and education facilities, land you would like to see protected, or any other aspect of the community - in towns, surrounding villages and rural areas.

Your time to get involved

  • By email to planningpolicy@braintree.gov.uk
  • by post to: Planning Policy, Braintree District Council, Causeway House, Bocking End, Braintree, Essex CM7 9HB.

Next steps 

Comments will be considered by the council in preparing the draft Local Plan document ahead of further wider public consultation on the "Preferred Options" stage with residents, businesses and communities later this year, and further consultation in 2025. 

Keep updated

What's a Local Plan for?

We need a Local Plan to ensure future growth happens sustainably and development is properly planned.

The Local Plan serves as the strategic framework that guides where businesses and homes will be located, and protection of the green environment and heritage.

Our population is growing and people are living longer lives and therefore new homes and supporting infrastructure are needed in the Braintree district to support that growth. 

We have to make sure there are enough homes for young people, families and older residents. Having no growth is not an option, so the council creates the Local Plan to make sure development is properly planned. It’s not just about homes, but about creating jobs alongside new homes being built, infrastructure, open spaces, community facilities and protecting our environment.

Having a clear and up-to-date plan for managing growth makes sure the Braintree district remains a vibrant and attractive place to live, work, socialise and study.  

Why are you reviewing it?

The council’s current Local Plan is designed to run until 2033 but has to be reviewed and updated if necessary, at least every five years.

Braintree District Council adopted its current Local Plan in 2021 and must therefore start a review in order to complete it by 2025, submit to the planning inspectorate for examination in 2025 and adoption in 2026.

This review will take the plan up to 2041 from 2033. 

It’s a significant challenge to get a Local Plan prepared for submission by the current June deadline next year but it’s important that the Council keeps the plan up to date so that communities have certainty on where sustainable growth should happen, otherwise the Council will have less control when determining planning applications.

Current Local Plan timeline

Local Plan timeline

Keep updated on the Local Plan

We'll continue to share the latest Local Plan news and updates via this newsletter. 

You can also sign up to receive direct emails from our Planning team via our planning portal

12:46, 11 Jul 2024 by Claire Waters