Essex County Council

Great Start- Free business training to support transition to NetZero

Businesses can now learn how to be greener with Essex County Council's easily digestible Great Start programme.

A series of free educational videos aim to support local businesses on their journey to becoming net zero.

The benefits of being a green business are plentiful. Not only can organisations save money, but they also enhance their reputation.

Greener businesses also often experience boosted staff morale. Furthermore, sustainable practices can unlock new market opportunities and drive innovation.

The new videos are available to businesses of all shape and sizes across Greater Essex. Available on YouTube, the ever-expanding series covers a range of content for supporting the transition to net-zero.

Some of the topics covered include developing a Sustainability Action Plan and establishing green procurement practices.

With hundreds of views secured within the weeks of launching, the demand for this easy-to-digest content is clearly strong.

The team behind the initiative is now reviewing feedback and engagement to inform new content, helping to keep the modules fresh and relevant.

To reward viewers for their learning, each business or individual will receive a digital badge for every module completed by scanning the QR code at the end of each video. Businesses and individuals can proudly display these on their digital platforms to demonstrate their sustainability commitments to partners and clients.

Councillor Tony Ball, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Lifelong Learning and Employability said: “The Great Start programme is an invaluable tool for businesses to help them develop sustainable practices. It also helps them meet national and international regulations and stay competitive in a fast-changing market. This programme is for all businesses of any sector to ensure we are all on the same ambitious journey to net-zero.

“Our goal is to ensure our business community is not left behind in the shift to greener ways of working. We encourage feedback from businesses — after all the programme was born from local organisations expressing their interest in sustainability, but not quite knowing where to start on their journeys.”

Councillor Peter Schwier, Essex County Council Climate Czar and Cabinet Member for Environment, Waste Reduction and Recycling added: “We are committed to reaching our net zero goals by 2050 and bringing businesses along with us. The programme is an essential tool to ensure organisations are set to thrive in a greener economy.

“This programme complements our newly updated Business Advice Pack, offering businesses easy-to-follow advice for cutting their environmental impact. With these new resources under their belt, we’re confident our business community have the tools they need to significantly reduce their carbon footprint and make Essex a greener and healthier place for everyone.”

View the full Great Start programme and start your journey towards a sustainable future.  

12:53, 11 Sep 2024 by Claire Waters

Essex County Council

County helps Essex homeowners upgrade heating ahead of cold winter months

Residents across Essex can register their interest in making their home’s heating more efficient and eco-friendly with exclusive pricing through Switch Together.

Switch Together is delivered by iChoosr, the organisation behind the successful Solar Together Essex programme, in partnership with Essex County Council.

Switch Together offers Essex homeowners professional and competitively priced air source heat pump installations from reputable and trusted installers.

Air source heat pumps can cut carbon emissions by 44% per year, according to the Energy Saving Trust, with efficiency ratings typically reaching 300%.

While saving on energy bills in the long run, air source heat pumps can come with a high upfront cost, which Switch Together is able to reduce through group-buying.

Group-buying simplifies the transition to air source heat pumps, making them more accessible with exclusive pricing along with help and support when deciding to switch.

The process involves:

  • Essex homeowners can register their interest for free and without obligation at by 1 November 2024
  • Switch Together can then access a list of vetted installers, which compete by bidding to work with local residents, offering their most competitive price without compromising on quality
  • Those who have registered receive a personal offer via email detailing all costs and specifications tailored to their home, with no obligation to proceed
  • Homeowners can review the offer at their own pace and if they choose to proceed, the installer will schedule a survey and complete the installation
  • Telephone and email help desks are available throughout the process, allowing households to make an informed decision in a hassle-free environment

Air source heat pumps deliver highly efficient heating and hot water. Essex homeowners can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly community by making the switch.

Councillor Peter Schwier, Climate Czar and Cabinet Member for Environment, Waste Reduction and Recycling, said: “Household heating accounts for about 14% of the country’s CO2 emissions. Considering how energy bills have risen, it is in everyone’s interest that modern and efficient air source heat pumps are made more accessible to Essex homeowners.

“Essex County Council is delighted to be working with iChoosr on the Switch Together initiative. Reducing the county’s carbon emissions is vital to our net-zero ambitions, as set out by our Essex Climate Action Commission, and improving the quality of life of all residents.”

Essex residents may qualify for further savings through a £7,500 grant from the government's Boiler Upgrade Scheme towards a new heat pump installation. Heat pump installations are also currently VAT-exempt.

Homeowners can visit by 1 November 2024 to register for the scheme and find out more information.

12:50, 11 Sep 2024 by Claire Waters

Essex County Council

Public Consultation Open for Essex Local Nature Recovery Strategy

The Essex Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) is open for public consultation, giving everyone the chance to share their feedback. With our county's wildlife and habitats facing increasing threats, the Essex LNRS provides a unique opportunity for all residents to have their say in shaping a thriving future for Essex, where nature is given the opportunity to recover.
Introduced under the Environment Act in 2021, the Essex LNRS is a collaborative strategy involving input from farmers, landowners, environmental NGOs, charities, local authorities and members of the public. The strategy aims to identify key locations for habitat creation, focusing on areas which will provide the most significant benefits for nature and the wider environment.
The draft strategy outlines biodiversity priorities and proposes actions to enhance our natural landscape, wildlife and habitats. It includes detailed maps highlighting nature recovery opportunities and key actions necessary for achieving these goals. The consultation period is open, and we invite everyone in Essex to review the draft and share their thoughts.
Your feedback is an essential element to refine and improve the strategy. By participating, you can help shape a robust strategy which ensures the preservation and enhancement of our county’s diverse landscapes and habitats, from ancient woodlands and farmlands to wetlands, coastlines and urban spaces, all for the benefit of generations to come.
Your voice can make a valuable contribution towards protecting and enhancing our natural environment and participating in the consultation is simple. Visit and have your say today.

14:20, 03 Sep 2024 by Claire Waters


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