Road closures and roadworks information - all information can be found at

Essex County Council is the responsible authority for Highway matters in the village.  Problems can be reported online at  or use the Emergency Highways phone number 0345 603 7631 if public safety is at risk 

Essex Highways  To check where the latest works on the network are, visit the Highways Information Map:

Verge Cutting: To request a safety cut on narrow lanes or at junctions with poor visibility, residents can report the location on-line at or by contacting the BDC Customer Services Team on 01376 552525. Please note that other Highways issues such as overhanging trees or highway signage that is obscured or requires cleaning/maintenance should be reported direct to Essex Highways at or use the Emergency Highways phone number 0345 603 7631 if public safety is at risk

Alternatively, please contact the Parish Clerk on 07845 056597 or at who will be able to help report a problem.  Please give the exact location and nature of the problem or issue to be reported.

Station Road Bridge repair - update from Essex Highways via Cllr Peter Schwier, 11th July 2024
Essex Highways has appointed a contractor to carry out the works and is currently going through the approval process with the Environment Agency to work in the river.  Once the exact date of works commencement is known. information will be sent to local residents/members/etc.

Station Road Bridge repair - update from Essex Highways via Cllr Peter Schwier, 1st March 2024
A number of the bricks from one of the arches have dislodged and fallen into the river. Hence, we have taken steps to protect the arch by closing the footpath, the aim is to reduce the loading on that area of the structure.  

This was discovered following a site visit by the engineers, who were carrying out a structural review of the arches. Losing multiple bricks from the crown of the arch defined it as an immediate risk. Structurally the collapse/failure of an arch will be sudden, hence the emergency closure is to protect the public. 

As this is a Grade II listed structure, we are in consultation with a company who specialise in restoring masonry structures. It is anticipated that we will carry out the works this summer/autumn if the necessary approvals are in place.