Castle Hedingham is a rural village in North Essex, known for its historic buildings and prominent Norman keep. We are very proud of our caring and engaged community and have a wide range of social and interest clubs and societies.

Castle Hedingham News and Events Calendar
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Last updated 26th June 2024

Essex Village of the Year 2024
Run by the Rural Communities Council of Essex
We are excited to hear we have been awarded a prize!
Essex Village of the Year: Castle Hedingham entry 2024
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our entry
Awards will be presented at the RCCE AGM next Wednesday 3rd July

General Election July 4th 2024
Braintree: Statement of Persons Nominated
NALC Guide to the key commitments in political party manifestos

Rewilding New Park
See the latest update on our Heritage & Environment page

The Good Councillors Guide: 2024 edition now published

Published by the National Association of Local Councils, this guide is essential reading for all current and prospective Councillors. 


20s Plenty for Castle Hedingham - Our survey results are here

Find more information at 20s Plenty or read the 20s Plenty April 2024 newsletter

please go to Audit & Governance 2023-2024


Check out our Communities Pages here 

Castle Hedingham Village Shop & Post Office
Village Shop 01787 462140  Post Office 01787 463943

Footpath 25 (Scotch Pastures) Castle Hedingham Public Path Diversion Order 2022: Following the Public Inquiry held on 5th & 6th March 2024, the Planning Inspector  concluded that the Order should not be confirmed.  The full decision notice is here:  Order Decision ROW/3316971

Commonwealth War Grave Sign installed at Castle Hedingham Cemetery

Commonwealth War Grave sign at Castle Hedingham CemeteryIn April 1944, six members of the local home guard were killed in an accident in Gestingthorpe during an exercise dealing with an unexploded grenade. Captain John Scantlebury Philp was one of the men killed and the location of his grave at Castle Hedingham Cemetery has now been marked with a Commonwealth War Grave sign, with thanks to the Commonwealth War Grave Commission. A service at St Peter's Church at 11am on April 21st 2024 incorporated an act of thanks and remembrance marking the 80th anniversary of the accident. This service was supported by the local branch of the Royal British Legion

Station Road bridge repairAn update from Essex Highways via Cllr Peter Schwier is on our Highways page 

BDC Waste & Recycling Collection calendars
Calendars for Castle Hedingham collection routes can be downloaded here:

Clear recycling sacks can be obtained from Castle Hedingham Village Shop. Full details of all collections including the new green waste subscription service can be found at

Castle Hedingham Drain blockages
We know there are many drainage issues in Castle Hedingham, but there's one thing we can all do to help. On a call out to an overflowing sewage drain in the village, Anglian Water engineers identified that wet wipes had caused the blockage. This is now the most common reason for blocked drains. Please can we all follow their guidance and look for the Fine to Flush logo before disposing of any products down the loo. Only these products can be flushed, everything else should be put in the bin. There are some wipes on the market that say they are 'flushable'. These have not met Fine to Flush standards and should also be placed in the bin after use. Most wipes like baby wipes and all sanitary products (tampons, pads etc.) currently on the market display a Do Not Flush logo and should be disposed of in the bin. For more information please see:

New Park Street Lights
Correspondence with Npower and UKPN has been ongoing, with the issue escalated to the highest level at both Npower as the energy supplier and with UKPN who manage the Unmetered Supply (UMS). Reinstatement of the energy supply by Npower has been offered at an increased rate per Kwh, together with financial compensation for the error which led to the supply contract being withdrawn.  At the October 2023 Parish Council meeting, a number of options were carefully considered by Councillors, taking into account the longer-term cost to public funds and only one expression of concern since the lights were "de-energised" in August. It was decided  to leave the street lights de-energised for the time being, i.e. in a state where the supply could be reinstated if necessary at a later date. 

Rewilding New Park Castle Hedingham: Our rewilding project at the Pump House land, New Park, started in spring 2023. To take part in monitoring plant and animal species observed,  try the iNaturalist App at This is part of a 5 year project on Braintree District Council owned land, and carried out with the support of the Essex Wildlife Trust Wilder Towns, Wilder Villages team. 

We love seeing our Team Wilder councils and communities using the Urban Wildlife Champions, River Champions or Wilder Towns, Wilder Villages emblems.

These can be used on newsletters, letterheads, interpretation signage, equipment and much more!

Castle Hedingham Parish Council have used the Wilder Towns, Wilder Villages emblem on signage for their new rewilding project in collaboration with on-the-doorstep residents.