Community Allotment BDC official photo

Our Community Allotment at the Village Park was created to benefit everyone in the village in a variety of ways, and we are very grateful to Braintree District Council for two Levelling Up fund Community Gardens grants to help us make it a beautiful productive space which is restful to visit. 

June 2024 update: Our harvest has had a slow start due to the weather but we are hoping to have produce in the Village Shop before too long – we all need some sunshine! We will also have a stall at St James Fair at the Village Park on Saturday 27th July, 2-5pm. Hope to see you there!

OUR VOLUNTEERS MEET WEEKLY ON THURSDAY 9.30-11.30– Come and visit us!

  • You can volunteer at our weekly sessions. No experience necessary, just come along to enjoy being outdoors and part of a friendly group.
  • Or just drop by for a visit and a chat at a weekly Thursday morning session, our volunteers will be pleased to see you and there might be some fresh produce available
  • Enjoy our freshly harvested seasonal produce which can be collected from the Village Shop at St James Street. We want our fresh vegetables and fruit to be available to everyone, an optional donation will of course be welcome
  • Watch out for further Community Allotment events over the summer season. We welcome any feedback and new ideas too!

For further information, contact Charlie at or call the Parish Clerk on 07845 056597